The Non-Negotiables to Making Your Woman Happy

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Compliment Her

Compliment Her

The severity of this can not be expressed fully. Compliment in public, and mostly in private. Because when you are one on one, you’re only speaking to her and for her. Women are often too critical of themselves, and it’s your job as the man to make her feel great about herself. It’s hard for her to be down when you’re always holding her up. Be careful to not over-compliment. Over complimenting may seem fake, and even annoying.

Surprise Her

Surprise Her

It’s one thing to expect gifts on a birthday or holiday, but when you bring her something out of no where, for no reason, you are a king! It doesn’t even need to be something large, like jewelry, but if your out pumping gas, run inside and buy her favorite candy bar. Gift giving is not about money, something a lot of men haven’t grasped yet. It’s about thought.

Spoil Her

Spoil Her

Once again, let’s emphasize that this is not about money. Or about buying anything at all. You can spoil her with gifts, or with your time. Whether its candy like we mentioned earlier, or a post it every morning saying something sweet, it’s crucial to make her feel like the world, as much as you possibly can. Make her friends jealous with the many ways you can spoil her, every girl likes that a little bit!

Be Fair in Bed

Be Fair in Bed

This is where some of you guys go wrong. You expect a lot from the woman in bed, but are usually only willing to receive. When it comes to downtown, it’s like a telephone boys, it goes both ways. A lot of woman will hold their own on what they will do and not do in bed, but I promise you A LOT of your girls are doing things they hate, because they know you like it. Make sure and return that favor. Not just when it comes to downstairs, but positions, kissing, talking, and so on. You may think she’s satisfied, but remember we can fake a hell of a lot easier than you can.

Don't Yell

Don't Yell

It is so important to not yell at your woman during an argument. Women do yell, we scream, we can pitch a hell of a fit… but it’s important for you to keep your cool. Trust me, I get that this is unfair… but this is something you’ve got to try your best to do. You’ll forgive us for yelling much quicker than we’d forgive you. It’s scary for a woman to be yelled at, even if she knows there is no threat. It may not be the fairest of double standards, it’s safe to say that you guys have a leg up on us in way more situations. Let us have this one ;).

Take Out the Garbage

Take Out the Garbage

Whether the woman is responsible for the all the domestic duties, or you split them, or whatever your situation may be… it is your job to take out the trash. Period. We are highly capable of doing this, but its a gesture of respect. Garbage is gross and disgusting, your woman is beautiful and fresh, just take the walk to the end of the driveway will ya?

Ask to Help

Ask to Help

Offer your help as much as you can. Offer when she’s cooking, or cleaning, or folding the laundry. 9 times out of 10, she’ll say no thank you (women can be just a proud as a man). This situation is a win win for you, while also giving her the piece of mind that her man is willing to lend a hand. In the 10% chance that she says yes, put a smile on and set the table, while keeping one eye on the game.

Dental Hygiene

Dental Hygiene

Where all hygiene is important to your woman, I cannot stress enough the importance of keeping your mouth right. If your girls not into morning sex, I’m willing to bet my bank account that it’s your breath. Girls care more about kissing during sex than guys, so if we can’t kiss you, you might as well rule out play time. So get up and brush those teeth. Brush before and after bedtime, and maintain regular cleanings. Not caring for your teeth will also lead to some serious dental bills in the future, and she could be buying a lot of Jimmy Choo’s for those 3 root canals you’re getting.

Establish Relationships with Family

Establish Relationships with Family

This rule is for the newbie relationships. I’m talking under 5 years. Don’t get me wrong, having relationships with your partners family is ALWAYS important over every year… but it is crucial in the beginning. Don’t try too hard to impress her mother (this will annoy her father and brother), and don’t try too hard to impress her brothers (this will annoy everyone). When it comes to sisters and fathers, they genuinely will warm up to you more than a mother and brothers… but there’s always exceptions to the rules. Try your hardest to make things work with her family, because nothing is more detrimental to a man and woman’s relationship, than issues with family.



It just doesn’t look right when the man is riding shotgun. The man should always drive, and yes, there are always exceptions. But everyone knows that the guy should drive and escort his lady about town. Feel free to get the car door for us as well, although we are more than happy to open it ourselves.

Put it in Writing

Put it in Writing

We all love a good text every once in a while, or a whisper in the ear, but woman are romantics. Professing your love on paper is indescribable. I’m not saying write a letter on parchment in cursive handwriting, just a little scribble will go such a long way, promise.



If a woman says she doesn’t see the point in flowers, because they just die anyway… she’s lying. She’s practically begging you for them when she says that. Every woman wants flowers. She want them on her birthday, on your anniversary, on a Tuesday, for when she gets her period, and we could keep going. Buy them, and buy them often. How often would you want a power tool? As often as possible right? It’s the same thing.

Take Care of Her

Take Care of Her

So I don’t get crucified, I will say that women are entirely capable of taking care of their car maintenance…. as long as she listens to Siri as she is guided to the closest auto mechanic. The cars are generally the mans forte, so if something is wrong with her car, take the wheel, pun intended. I do believe it is crucial that a woman learns how to check her oil, change a tire, jump a battery, and fill fluids… because your knight in shining armor is bound to be busy once in a while. But the car is your deal fellas, try and fix it yourself, use the mechanic as a last resort. And we find it super sexy when a man can fix the car, just saying.

Text Properly

Text Properly

We take texting entirely too seriously. If we say “hey baby I love you have a good day!” and your response is “thanks love u”, you have just pissed us off. It is so important to type out every word when talking to your lady, this is ridiculous I know, but good lord we hate it. Try and be just as excited as we are, where your text is just as breezy as ours, just in fewer words, we could take it as the opposite. I don’t know if you guys know this, but we kind of blow everything out of proportion. Help us not do that please.

Make the Most of Holidays

Make the Most of Holidays

Holidays are extremely important to your girl. If you’ve got a keeper, she more than likely spoils you on your celebrated holidays, and your birthday. It’s important to us to make you happy, so try and show us the same appreciation. Especially Valentines Day, and anniversaries… you know those two days that mean just as much to you as last Wednesday, or tomorrow. Girls thrive off Valentines Day, please note back to number 3 on our list, and spoil the fu*k out of her. General relationship advice, this relationship is not for you, it’s for her. You live for each other, and for your unit as a whole. It’s not about you, let her worry about taking care of you, and give her what she needs.

Say "I Love You" Often

Say "I Love You" Often

This is simple guys. No need for explanation here. Don’t let a day go by without saying it. That’s all.

Support Her

Support Her

We want a million things all the time and our constantly changing our minds on what we want. We are always taking on too many tasks, and all we want is that loving supporting partner. Support our goals, no matter how crazy, sane, or how often we change them. Even if you think it’s ridiculous, or you know we will never even attempt our silly plans, having our back means more than you know.

Guy Time

Guy Time

If it’s poker night, or you're watching the game in your best friends man cave, hit the home button out of your fantasy football stats and let your girl know you're thinking of her. It’s safe to assume she is thinking you are NOT thinking of her during guy time, this little note you send her will make her night, and make her feel more at ease.

Embrace Her When You See Her

Embrace Her When You See Her

CRUCIAL CRUCIAL CRUCIAL! When you haven’t seen each other of the span of a few hours and you reunite, the first thing you do is embrace her. Hug her, kiss her, screw her. Do whatever you gotta do. Do not go to the fridge, or sit on the couch. If she’s not there in your line of sight, you go find her. Just a quick smooch will do. Show her you missed her.

Put Us In Our Place

Put Us In Our Place

This is a hard one to explain. We are experts at making you feel like you did something wrong, even when you didn’t. I have no idea how we got so good at this. Your girl could cheat on you, and make you feel like it’s your fault. However, when we are doing something that you just can’t sweep under the rug, say something. I explain to women that its important to choose your battles with your man, and this is as equally important for you. But if we are doing something that you strongly oppose, snap us out of it. Just make sure you do it the right way. No yelling, no swearing. It always helps to still use pet names. For example “Baby, I love you, but you have got to stop gossiping about the girls you work with”, or “Listen hun, I understand your mad because I forgot to tell you I had plans with the guys, but I’m not going to let you make me feel guilty about this. Relax” We don’t want to annoy you, or be mad at you, so in the end, we will respect you for letting us know when we’re being divas.

Some might argue that it is easier to satisfy a man than a woman. Where this may be true, it is also possible that you may not be doing what it takes to make your woman happy.  The “happy wife, happy life” mantra has been uttered by thousands, but are you really doing what it takes?  The following is a guide for the big, and most importantly, the smaller things you can do in your life, to make your better half as happy as possible. Remember, not all relationships are created equal, and what works for you, won’t work for someone else.

Related: The Non-Negotiables to Making Your Man Happy